Safety policies
Please note that all persons using this gymnasium do so at their own risk
Like any activity, it can be dangerous and that by participation in it I am exposed to certain risks, therefore:
I acknowledge and understand that whilst undertaking activity at the gymnasium:
I will give special attention to all instructions oral or written and will query any matters that I do no understand.
There may be no or inadequate facilities for treatment or transport of me if I am injured.
I am not under the influence of drugs/medication/mind altering substances, nor do I have any allergies or pre-existing medical condition that:
effect my understanding of safety instructions or ability to completely participate, and/or
maybe exacerbated by the activity, and/or
otherwise effect my ability to participate any aspect of this activity, and/or
prejudice the performance/safety to myself or others.
Other persons participating in the activity may cause me injury or damage to my property for which they may be liable.
I may cause injury to other persons or damage their property, for which I may be liable.
I may cause loss of damage to property used/hired for which I may be liable.
I may be injured and/or suffer damage to my property as a result of my negligence or breach of contract.
I assume the risk of and responsibility for any injury, death, or property damage resulting from my participation.
I am aware and understand that the gym may be unsupervised at any time and I assume the additional risks and responsibilities associated with using an unsupervised gym facility.
Emergency contact number: 07581250756